One of the best things about travel is that we see new places, meet new people, experience new foods, customs and activities – it is the inhaling of the essences of the PLACE and it has the power to move us with secrets and history. Verve Culture is dedicated to bringing some of these experiences to you even if you can’t travel or have traveled and want to connect again to those memories or aspirations. We present items that are truly iconic but with today’s vibe that honor traditions and heritage and the people that make them. 


What is the best way to analyze and re-assess an entire industry and consumer buying habits when you see a marked shift? Jacquie Lewis, Jules Vertrees, and Sarah Laping Garland say: Step outside of the office. Look around. Don’t automatically do what you have always done. As a mother/daughter team, Jacquie and Jules have worked together for over 20 years and know what it takes to step outside the office and really appreciate each other’s company, experience and most of all, the joy of just living life to the full. 

Today’s consumers - especially Millennials - want something different.  They are more environmentally conscious, socially aware, and don’t just want “stuff” for the sake of accumulating “stuff.” People are more interested in spending their hard-earned money on EXPERIENCES, rather than just on “things.”

The Verve team has always been interested in people and cultures and have traveled extensively. They are foodies in the true sense of the word – cooking, entertaining and experimenting with tastes and ingredients.

They realized their knowledge in offering "Things" can mesh with their love of exploring new cultures by offering products that enhance the EXPERIENCE that today’s consumer is seeking.  Verve Culture is committed to offering an inside view of how certain tools and items can help create memorable experiences with friends or family. Fun, easy, practical, authentic and respectful of the people who make the items is at the heart of Verve Culture product philosophy.

Verve's first cultural exploration was in Mexico, followed closely by Thailand. Who knows where the next path will take the team in seeking out new treasures that stretch boundaries and bring joy to our lives.

Our vision is to explore the cultural richness of artisans and communities around the world – to educate and inspire, while honoring the traditions and heritage of their work.