What the Verve Culture owners have discovered from traveling the world

What the Verve Culture owners have discovered from traveling the world

What we have discovered from traveling around the world!  

Sights that stimulate and curiosity that takes us down paths we didn’t expect are some of the most valuable things we have discovered as we travel. No matter where we go there is always someone to help, some tastes to discover and always something to learn. But more than anything it is kindness and generosity of the people we meet. 

When traveling for vacation the things we might seek are the quiet from the everyday hustle, or the adventure of discovery – or both! The Verve Culture ladies enjoy a bit of both but the thing that is constant are the surprises we find when we connect with the local communities. No matter if we are in Thailand, Mexico, Morocco, or Italy, we have discovered that people open their homes and their hearts to us and love to hear what we are doing and why we are there. They stimulate our curiosity and inspire us to search and see things that are not that obvious on the surface. We have discovered that we should never have any preconceived ideas of what to find, or how a community will treat us. Optimistic caution is a good rule of thumb and we trust our instincts more often than not. We have stumbled our way into many treasured memories and treasured ideas for Verve Culture, and we can laugh about some of the rabbit holes we fell into – and try to avoid them in the future. 

In Thailand we were searching for the blacksmiths that made swords and our driver had to stop every few miles at roadside stalls or stores to ask for more directions as our GPS had taken us on a wild goose chase. Every stop we were given a vague direction that we refined with every kind soul willing to help us navigate. It was an adventure that took us 4 times as long to find the villages - but well worth it. Then we just started knocking on doors to learn even more. And this is not an isolated experience – it has happened in lots of towns and villages in Mexico too as we seek out amazing artisans. We know it is sure to happen many times more! 

Details about design and production are a constant source of excitement and surprise. Who knew that the tanneries in Marrakesh are so much smellier than those in Fez? Thank goodness for the sprigs of mint held to the nose to help endure the aroma! The vibrant rich vegetable dyes that are used in the tanneries are from the Moroccan soil - saffron (yellow), mint (green), poppy flower (red), indigo (blue), henna (orange), and cedar wood (brown). From these supple hides that have been tanned in the traditional way, all manner of items are crafted - from slippers to bags of myriad sizes and shapes, and even camel bags and suitcases. I always wanted a camel bag!!  

Local markets and festivals are the heartbeat of a community and it is one of the most exciting places for us to uncover local items such as the palm basket weavers in Oaxaca or the tasty sausage outside of Chiang Mai. And our favorite discoveries have almost always included street snacks! It is standard fair for us to visit markets to get the vibe and taste of places and people.  

We love that our journey of discovery honors and preserves the traditions and heritage of these cultures and communities. We feel lucky to have the ability to help them sustain and continue to pass these traditions down to the next generation. We have made life-long friends that bring our worlds closer together. 

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